Agenda item

Revenue Budget, Capital Strategy, Capital Programme, Reserves and Balances, Treasury and Investment Strategy and Medium Term Financial Strategy and Council Tax for 2024/25

Following consideration by Cabinet at their meeting of the 28th February this report concludes the budget setting process for 2024/25 and is submitted to Council with the proposed 2024/25 Revenue Budget, Capital Strategy, Capital Programme, Reserves and Balances, Treasury and Investment Strategy and Medium Term Financial Strategy. 


It sets out recommendations for setting the council tax after taking into account the district’s council tax requirement (including town and parish council requirements and special expenses in respect of the Folkestone Parks and Pleasure Grounds Charity), the precepts of Kent County Council, the Kent Police & Crime Commissioner, and the Kent Fire & Rescue Service.


Following consideration by Cabinet at their meeting of the 28th February the report concluded the budget setting process for 2024/25 and was submitted to Council with the proposed 2024/25 Revenue Budget, Capital Strategy, Capital Programme, Reserves and Balances, Treasury and Investment Strategy and Medium Term Financial Strategy.  It set out recommendations for setting the Council Tax after taking into account the district’s Council Tax requirement (including town and parish council requirements and special expenses in respect of the Folkestone Parks and Pleasure Grounds Charity), the precepts of Kent County Council, the Kent Police & Crime Commissioner, and the Kent Fire & Rescue Service.


The Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Finance and Governance advised that Cabinet, during their meeting earlier in the evening, had made an additional recommendation related to Members Allowances, details of which are appended to this minutes.


Proposed by Councillor Prater,

Seconded by Councillor J Martin; and



1.         That report A/23/24 be received and noted.

2.         That the District Council’s Revenue Budget, Capital Strategy and Minimum Revenue Provision Statement, Capital Programme, Investment Strategy, Annual Treasury Management for 2024/25 as presented in Appendices 1,4,5,7, & 8 to this report be approved.

3.         That a Council Tax rate of £280.08 at Band D be set, representing an increase of £8.01 on the current charge.

4.         That the Council Tax Resolution at Appendix 2 of the report be approved.

5.         That the additional recommendation from Cabinet relating to the uprating of Member Allowances, as appended to the minutes, be agreed.


The motion was put to a recorded vote in accordance with the Local Authorities (Standing Orders) (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2014 as set out below:


FOR: Councillors M Blakemore, P Blakemore, Butcher, Fuller, Holgate, Jones, E Martin, J Martin, Prater, Scoffham, Shoob, Speakman and Wing (13).


AGAINST: Councillors Goddard, Mrs Hollingsbee, Hills, A Martin and Wimble (5).


ABSTENTIONS: Councillors Akuffo-Kelly, Cooper, Davison, Keen, Lockwood, McConville, McShane, Meade, Thomas and Walker (10).


(Voting figures: 13 for, 5 against, 10 abstentions).

Supporting documents: