Agenda item

Announcements of the Leader of the Council

To receive a report from the Leader of the Council on the business of the cabinet and on matters that the leader considers should be drawn to the council’s attention. The leader shall have 10 minutes to make his announcements.


The opposition group will have an opportunity to reply to the leader’s remarks.  The opposition group leader shall have 5 minutes to respond after which the Leader of the Council will have a right of reply.  Any right of reply will be for a maximum duration of 5 minutes.


The Leader gave the following announcements:


“I want to welcome the newly elected member for Romney Marsh to the Chamber. Tony Hills brings a wealth of experience and knowledge, particularly in all matter pertaining to flooding in the district. I am always very grateful for Tony's advice.


1.       I joined the personnel committee for their final deliberations on this year's pay award. I then chaired the meeting with the union representatives and staff representatives to discuss. The negotiations were frank and fair, I was very impressed by the professional approach of all members of the negotiating teams and hope that the recommendation will be accepted.

2.       The leaders of the four political groups and Independent Councillor Paul Thomas have been meeting regularly as we move towards a committee system.

3.       I have attended many meetings regarding Otterpool Park with government agencies, and developers, these discussions continue.

4.       I attended a meeting with many other Council representatives in my role as Armed Forces Champion.

5.       I have been visiting businesses in the District as usual, hotels, hospitality and Chartered Surveyors. Business holds some very interesting perspectives on the future of the District. This Council is a friend to good business.

6.       Princes Parade hoarding: I am delighted to announce that the hoarding surrounding the Princes Parade site will shortly be dismantled. I am also delighted to announce that the hoardings and the concrete blocks that support it will be recycled to Otterpool, where they will be stored and used as required. Once the site is refenced we will be consulting next year to ask local people for their views on the future of Prince's Parade.

7.       My regular contact with Stagecoach continues, this month we will begin the work on our joint "use it or lose it" campaign to encourage people to use the bus service.

8.       Councillor Scoffham and I attended a presentation by Southern Water regarding the declining bathing water quality around our coast. I have been in regular contact with Southern Water and held meetings with them, mainly because of the sewage on the Copperfield's Estate in Lydd, the flooding on Udan Rd in Dymchurch and the failure of the pumps at the Range Road pumping station in Hythe. I have a further meetings with Southern Water, the Environment Agency and KCC Councillors this month.

9.       Along with many coastal District Councils I continue to attend a monthly meeting organised by the Environment Agency to collectively express our shared concern about Southern Water's consistent failure to meet the needs of their customers.

10.      I have attended the Kent Leaders Forum to discuss the issues which affect the Council's in Kent. I have also attended meetings of the East Kent Leaders forum which has a more focused view of the issues affecting the East Kent Districts.

11.      I spent a morning with the team responsible for our sheltered housing and was so very impressed with the dedication and commitment of the Council's staff.

12.      I accompanied our excellent Homes in Multiple Occupation team, to carry out a licencing inspection. Essential work, carried out with a high degree of professionalism and empathy by our Council team.

13.      I have held meetings with local charities and agencies including Citizens Advice, Folkestone Parks and Pleasure Grounds, local Business Groups, local Community Groups.

14.      I was pleased to talk to the students at East Kent College about the future of the District and potential career opportunities.

15.      I attended the brilliant Youth Speaks event at Brockhill School, along with Councillors Belinda Walker and Anita Jones in their respective roles as Mayors of Folkestone and Hythe. Great thanks to the local Rotary Clubs who work so hard to put the event on.


I am minded to write to David Cameron and ask him to support the call for an immediate and permanent ceasefire in Gaza. This will allow for the opening of humanitarian corridors which will allow food, water and medical supplies to be provided. I will also request the immediate release of the hostages and prisoners, together with an arms embargo to allow the people of Gaza to resume their daily lives.


I will be writing my letter on Friday and I will be happy to add the name of any Councillor who wishes to express these sentiments to the Foreign Secretary.


I began my announcements, welcoming our newly elected member for Romney Marsh, I will close by saying good bye to one. I represented FHDC, this month, at the funeral of Michael Lyons. Michael served as a District Councillor, a Hythe Town Councillor and Speaker of the Cinque Ports, he gave much of himself to his community, always with generosity, politeness and good humour. Our District is a poorer place without him.


One final thing, if I may Chair, I just wanted to say a few words about Sue Lewis – our guide, our helper and our problem solver. Sue is one of the most organised and communicative officers within the council, and sadly she is leaving after 36 years of outstanding service. In 36 years, Sue has seen many Leaders and many Councillors and has been helpful to all of them. On behalf of all Councillors present and past, thank you for your service to the people of Folkestone and Hythe.”



Councillor McConville, Leader of the Labour Group then responded to the announcements and stated that he wished to particularly focus on the Youth Speaks event that was mentioned. He stated that hopefully the council would have a louder voice for the younger people in our district. At the Overview and Scrutiny Committee last night, the committee had discussed the idea of a youth council, and he was pleased to say that work will continue and he looked forward to the responses on further engagement work on this matter. In respect of the letter, He then read out what was voted on in the House of Commons last week. It was a Labour amendment to an SNP motion, so which he suggested might give a bit more emphasis on the Leaders sentiments to write:


That this House believes that an Israeli ground offensive in Rafah risks catastrophic humanitarian consequences and therefore must not take place; notes the intolerable loss of Palestinian life, the majority being women and children;


This house condemns the terrorism of Hamas who continue to hold hostages;


This house supports Australia, Canada and New Zealand’s calls for Hamas to release and return all hostages and for an immediate humanitarian ceasefire, which means an immediate stop to the fighting and a ceasefire that lasts and is observed by all sides, noting that Israel cannot be expected to cease fighting if Hamas continues with violence and that Israelis have the right to the assurance that the horror of 7th October cannot happen again;


This house therefore supports diplomatic mediation efforts to achieve a lasting ceasefire; demands that rapid and unimpeded humanitarian relief is provided in Gaza;


This house also demands an end to settlement expansion and violence; urges Israel to comply with the International Court of Justice’s provisional measures;


This house also calls for the UN Security Council to be meet urgently;


And urges all international partners to work together to establish a diplomatic process to deliver the peace of a two-state solution, with a safe and secure Israel alongside a viable Palestinian state, including working with international partners to recognise a Palestinian state as a contribution to rather than outcome of that process, because statehood is the inalienable right of the Palestinian people and not in the gift of any neighbour”.


He stated that this was voted on, and he thanked all the MPs who voted for this statement. He asked those at home to write to our local MP and implore him to ask his government to support what was agreed in the House of Commons last week.


He then wished Sue Lewis all the best in everything she does, and stated that she would be missed.


Councillor Mrs Hollingsbee also responded to the announcements, and welcomed Councillor Tony Hills. She stated that she was delighted he had made such an impression down on the Marsh, and as Councillor Martin had said, he would be a great addition in terms of his knowledge of the Marsh and flood issues. She added that she was also part of the negotiations on the pay award, and supported what the Leader had said. In terms of Otterpool, which she stated was close to her heart, as one of the few Councillors who voted in support of it initially, and as the Leader had mentioned, many other districts were jealous of the asset. Of course, businesses were important to the area. Without businesses, there would be no employment. In terms of Princes Parade, she stated that she was disappointed that the council were spending large amounts of money to erect another fence in the place of an existing fence. Until consultation has taken place, this seemed ridiculous. She asked that when the consultation took place, it would not be just restricted to parks and gardens and wildlife, but an open consultation across the district. She welcomed the comments on Southern Water and the Environment agency, and supported the comments about the housing team, who work extremely hard in challenging circumstances, particularly in respect of homelessness. She stated that she was glad to hear the leader is having conversations with the Citizens Advice Bureau  and she hoped the district would continue to support with the grant. In terms of schools, anything the council could do to get them involved and understanding how the district works would be beneficial. She added that many people don’t understand the different tiers of local government, and it was difficult to get this message through to people. In respect of Gaza, she stated that it was very disconcerting when someone disrupts a meeting when Members were trying to carry out the business of this council. She added that the Conservative Group would do what they wish to do individually. In respect of the passing of Councillor Lyons, she was disappointed that there had not been a minutes silence, as per usual protocol, and she asked if this could take place at the next meeting. She added that he was a character and members loved him in this chamber, particularly on the planning committee. She extended her thoughts to his brother and his family. She then stated that she was probably the person who has known Sue Lewis the longest, and that Sue was always smiling, and always willing to support. She added that she was good at leaving her mobile phone and laptop in the chamber, and Sue would look after it until it could be returned. She wished Sue the very best for the future, and thanked her for all she had done for all Members, and Councillor Mrs Hollingsbee personally.


The Leader of the Council was then given an opportunity to sum up, but advised he had run out of words! 


Proposed by Councillor J Martin,

Seconded by Councillor Prater; and




That the announcements of the Leader of the Council be noted.


(The recommendations were agreed by affirmation of the meeting).


During the Leaders announcements, there was a disturbance to the meeting. The Chair of the Council therefore adjourned the meeting. The meeting was subsequently reconvened after a period of 50 minutes.