Agenda and draft minutes

Otterpool Park LLP - Members/Owners - Wednesday, 30th August, 2023 2.00 pm

Venue: Remote Meeting

Contact: Jemma West  Email:

No. Item


Declarations of interest


There were no declarations of interest at the meeting.



To agree the minutes of the meeting held on 13 February 2023.

Supporting documents:


The minutes of the meeting held on 13 February 2023 were agreed as a true record.


Governance Review

To receive an update on the outcomes of the review and actions arising for the Otterpool Park LLP and the Council.


The Director of Place introduced the report which set out the findings and recommendations from the governance review of the Otterpool Park project, carried out by Local Partnerships.  He advised that a joint Action Plan for both the LLP and the Council was being drafted and would be monitored to ensure that the recommendations for action are addressed.


The Chief Executive advised that the review had been carried out at the request of the council, and was a proactive action in order to support good practice. 


Members of FHDC and the LLP thoroughly reviewed the report and commented on various aspects including the following:


·       How would decisions be made where the recommendations suggested an action which required a decision?

·       What was the timeframe on the action plan?



The Chief Executive responded to the matters raised and made points including the following:


·       The Leader had delegated authority in terms of the composition of the Board, and that any other recommendations needing decisions would be addressed through established delegated decision making processes in place.  She offered reassurance that any decisions necessary outside of the delegation scheme would be bought to the appropriate Committee for decision.

·       The Action Plan was in development and would be agreed at the Joint Operations Board and reported to Audit and Governance Committee via the council’s normal internal audit activities.


The item was welcomed, and the update was noted.



Urgent item - Strategic Funding

To receive a verbal update on the ongoing Council assessment of future funding options.




The Managing Director of the LLP outlined the latest situation in terms of Strategic Funding.


A full discussion took place on various financial matters, including work currently in-progress relating to the proposed delivery approach of the project, and the update was noted.  


A discussion took place on various matters, and the update was noted. 


Otterpool Park LLP - Delivery Plan

To receive a presentation on the 12-18month delivery plan for Otterpool Park LLP.



The Managing Director of the LLP gave an update on the delivery plan. It was agreed that the immediate focus of activity, while the funding reviews conclude, would necessarily continue to be on land acquisition for essential infrastructure and planning work.  Clarity was sought on delivery milestones and the necessary budget required for the coming 12-18 months to support council decision-making through September and October 2023.


Any other business


The Chief Executive noted her disappointment that a detailed financial report and an updated risk assessment was not available for the meeting. The owners side requested that the register be brought to the next meeting, and key matters of risk be shared with Folkestone and Hythe District Council Members via the forthcoming reports to OSC and Cabinet.