Agenda and draft minutes

Otterpool Park LLP - Members/Owners - Tuesday, 19th December, 2023 2.00 pm

Venue: Boulogne Room - Civic Centre Folkestone. View directions

Contact: Jemma West  Email:

No. Item


Declarations of interest


There were no declarations of interest at the meeting.



To agree as a true record the minutes of the meeting held on 30 August 2023.

Supporting documents:


The minutes of the meeting held on 30 August 2023 were agreed as a true record of the meeting.


Transition plan

To receive an update on the appointment of an Interim Managing Director.


To receive an update the development of a transition plan.



The Leader and Chair Otterpool LLP advised that Gary Ridgewell had been appointed as Interim Managing Director of Otterpool Park LLP.


The Interim Managing Director of the LLP then gave an update on the transition plan. He advised that there were three main strands, which were as follows:

·       Finalising the detail of key actions and budget required;

·       Procurement of strategic joint venture partner; and

·       Reviewing staff resources required to meet objectives over the next 18 months.


He gave an update on these matters.


The Chief Executive then gave an update on the Council’s Medium Term Financial Strategy and budget approval process. She also gave an update on early discussions regarding the potential for a joint venture partner.


Those present thanked Councillor Shoob for stepping in as the Interim Chair of the Otterpool Park LLP Board.


The Leader gave an update on joint meetings held between the five parish councils affected by the project, and advised that he would continue to attend these meetings going forward to ensure they were kept updated.


The updates were noted.


Finance update

To receive the 2022-23 audited accounts for Otterpool LLP and Otterpool Development Company Ltd.

Supporting documents:


The Interim Managing Director of the LLP advised that the fully audited accounts had been submitted to companies house.


The Director of Strategy and Resources added that the audit overview had not flagged any concerns, and the Interim Director of Corporate Services (S151) stated that the accounts would be reported formally in the councils group accounts.


The accounts were noted.


Strategic Risk

To receive an update on the FHDC Corporate Risk Register in relation to Otterpool Park.


Supporting documents:


The Director of Strategy and Resources gave an update on the two strategic risks which had been included in the council’s corporate risk register.


The Leader added that it was reassuring discussion in relation to planning have been positive. He stated that the Leader of KCC had offered resource support in terms of reviewing the detail and priorities within the draft S106 agreement.


The Interim Managing Director of the LLP stated that a new Otterpool Park LLP risk register would be developed once the Transition Plan has been agreed. This would be reported to the next meeting and, given the focus of the emerging Transition Plan, the number of risks would be significantly reduced. 


Any other business


The Interim Managing Director of Otterpool Park LLP reiterated his commitment to work closely with the Council and that he looked forward to progress being made quickly.