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[PDF] NE_2_E_A Bass 1996 - Species Action Plan for Medicinal Leech - ITE.pdf                                4.7M  PDF Document
[PDF] NE_2_E_I Foster et al 1990 Classification of water beetle assemblages.pdf                             3.7M  PDF Document
[PDF] NE_2_E_Q Webb et al 2010 Managing for species integrating the needs of England's priority species.pdf 2.2M  PDF Document
[PDF] NE_2_E_M Painter 1999 Conseration value of aquatic coleoptera etc.pdf                                 1.7M  PDF Document
[PDF] NE_2_E_C Drake, 2008 Greylake RSPB Reserve aquatic invertebrate survey.pdf                            1.7M  PDF Document
[PDF] NE_2_E_D Drake, 2009, Aquatic invertebrate survey of  RSPB Otmoor Reserve.pdf                         1.4M  PDF Document
[PDF] NE_2_E_E Drake 2010 Aquatic and terrestrial invertebrates on Wetland Trust land.pdf                   1.1M  PDF Document
[PDF] NE_2_E_H Environment Agency 2006.pdf                                                                  1.1M  PDF Document
[PDF] NE_2_E_R Williams 2000 Rarity score used in site quality assessment.pdf                               865K  PDF Document
[PDF] NE_2_E_P Tooley 1995 - Romney Marsh  the debatable ground.pdf                                         554K  PDF Document
[PDF] NE_2_E_F Drake et al 2010 Ecological Status of Ditch Systems Buglife  EXTRACT.pdf                     514K  PDF Document
[PDF] NE_2_E_N Palmer et al 2010  Ditch survey and evaluation manual EXTRACT.pdf                            346K  PDF Document
[PDF] NE_2_E_L Hammond Invertebrate monitoring at Paull Holme Strays.pdf                                    281K  PDF Document
[PDF] NE_2_E_O Telfer - 2010 - Dungeness Site Visit Blog 2010.pdf                                           265K  PDF Document
[PDF] NE_2_E_B Benton et al 1996 -  Management Fact File for Lestes Dryas.pdf                               202K  PDF Document
[PDF] NE_2_E_J Godfrey, 2010 Aquatic invertebrate surveys of drainage ditches LAA.pdf                       176K  PDF Document
[PDF] NE_2_E_K Hammond 2007 Aquatic Invertebrate Surveys at Paull Holme Strays.pdf                          175K  PDF Document
[PDF] NE_2_E_ G EA 2004 - Aquatic invertebrate survey at Paull, E. Yorkshire.pdf                             88K  PDF Document